Monday, March 28, 2005

looduse omnibuss - Mohni

Originally uploaded by nemecec.

On Saturday we went with "Looduse Omnibuss" to the island of Mohni, on foot, over the ice.

Looked a bit scary at first, but once you got used to the thickness of ice, it was quite ok, just a bit slippery. :-)

This "panorama" photo is actually "fake" - I stitched it together manually, in Photoshop, using 8 separate pictures.

Some more pictures coming soon to flickr.

Friday, March 25, 2005

stupid flickr

It loses all the EXIF information from uploaded pictures... or did I miss something somewhere?


I finally found the place where I can modify the timezone settings + tons of other kinds of stuff...

The downside is that all previous posts have incorrect time now. But at least all the new posts will be ok! :-)

Moon with something

Moon with something
Originally uploaded by nemecec.

such a moon

no rabbish here, please

no rabbish here, please
Originally uploaded by nemecec.

Welcome to Estonia.

I wonder if "rabbish" is short version of "rabbit rubbish"?
Haven't seen that many rabbitses around, though...

Mis on pildil? :-)

Mis on pildil? :-)
Originally uploaded by nemecec.

Ilusa ilma puhul lonkisin täna mööda linna ringi fotokaga...

Back to the 30ties

Back to 30ties
Originally uploaded by nemecec.

dedicated to THE beautiful body! ;-)


The period during the process of
minus degrees and lots of snow -> plus degrees and dry streets and grass
should be declared national holiday and nobody should be forced to go outside. All the possible and impossible places are full of water and "waterish" substance... Öäk!

I try hard to keep in mind that there is hope for all this to end soon...

... only to start the period of DUST. When all the streets are dry again and they haven't been cleaned yet from all the winter shit and then you add some wind to the mixture... Before you can even say "öäk", your eyes are already full of sand and you can literally feel the taste of the streets in your mouth.

The spring has finally begun.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

moving on + job offer

I'm leaving my current position, although I might still stay with Inpoc - that will be clear in the next couple of weeks.

Meanwhile, we are looking for someone to take over:

Inpoc Baltics is looking to fill a full-time position for a
situated in Tallinn or Riga office.

About Inpoc:
"Inpoc" brand belongs to Schibsted Mobile which is the leading service provider in Scandinavia and the Baltics. We offer value-added services in mobile networks, our service portfolio contains various SMS-based solutions, interactive voice services, WAP services, etc.
For more information:

General requirements:
  • excellent English, spoken and written
  • social person, enjoys communicating with colleagues and business partners
  • good understanding of computers and general technical issues
  • should be able go on business-trips, up to one week at a time

More technical requirements:
  • database skills: fluent in SQL, some PostgreSQL experience would be helpful
  • comfortable with Internet technologies: HTML, JavaScript, CSS, etc.
  • comfortable with Internet protocols: HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP3, SSH, etc.
  • comfortable with XML, DOM and related technologies
  • comfortable with command-line Linux/Unix environments

A plus would be:
  • Russian language, spoken and written
  • knowledge of Java, especially server-side technologies: servlets, J2EE, etc.
  • knowledge of Microsoft Visual Basic, C++ or C#
  • understanding of networking issues: DNS, VPN, IPSec, DHCP, etc.
  • experience with building WML pages
  • experience with version-control systems, e.g. CVS
  • data generation and analysis experience with Microsoft Office tools

We offer:
  • flexible working hours
  • great pan-Baltic team
  • very dynamic industry to work in
  • competitive salary
  • stability of a big, multinational company
  • pan-European, international organization
  • substantial amount of traveling in the Baltics and Scandinavia

Some example responsibilities:
  • communicating with partners to carry out joint-projects using various Internet technologies
  • implementing partner web and wap sites
  • weekly status reporting for all active projects
  • helping colleagues with any computer-related issues
  • making purchasing decisions for various soft- and hardware
  • preparing Excel reports based on data from relational database system (PostgreSQL) using SQL
  • commuting between Tallinn-Riga-Vilnius offices whenever the need arises
  • supporting some legacy Visual Basic 6 code
  • troubleshooting J2EE applications, digging into log files, etc.

In general, the position is more for an administrator-type of a person, as opposed to more developer-type. But nonetheless, sound understanding of development technologies is required.

Interested? Need more information? Want to send your CV?
Contact us:

They have that slippery, slurpy sensation when you eat them that makes them very seductive

Some more from New Scientist:
Oysters may deserve their sexy reputation

And for all the females out there, after you have become pregnant, beware of green tea: Green tea may increase birth defect risk.

Always living on the edge...

want to find out more about a person - here you go!

Another article from New Scientist: Automated web-crawler harvests resume info.

I tried it, pretty nifty.
It still has some room for improvement, though. For me, it found only some of the information that is actually available there. Google is still better tool, IMO.

Nice experiment:
Search of the President of Estonia: Arnold Rüütel
He is identified as working for company called "Estonia" :-)
Ok, click on link "Estonia" find out more about this "company".
Hmm, two best resources on "Estonia" appear to be two blogs...

"The biggest room in the world is the room for improvement"

Monday, March 21, 2005


Tomorrow I have a mid-term test in Statistics and on Wednesday I have re-exam in Physics... Tried hard to focus my attention on Physics during the weekend - managed to cover half of the material... But I was hoping to cover at least three-fourth... Well-well-well, I guess I should try harder. Maybe today and tomorrow will save me.

But I also have to take today the weekly test in Philosophy and Cisco... Uh well, I hope it would already be Wednesday evening.

Back to work and studies now. :-)

Friday, March 11, 2005

events accumulating

Why is it always so that if you have some plans for some nice event on some day then there has to show up at least one more event for the same time.

Like today.
A long time ago Toomas asked some friends for a sledging event, originally planned for last Friday. As last Friday was "Koondis Tempo" party - I coudn't attend the sledging event. Fortunately for me, Toomas was ill last week and the event was moved to this Friday. Or not so fortunately...

Some weeks ago Triin informed me that she will most probably have a birthday event this Friday. And the plan came true, she is having that event today.

And finally, I just got an email from Taivo where he invites all his friends over to his place... today.

And of course, all these events start at exactly the same time: 19.00.

Maybe it is just a sign that the winter season is about to end and the busy summer season is about to begin...!? That would be a nice change. :-)

Why are humans generous?

Interesting article in New Scientist: Charity begins at Homo sapiens.

And a bit off-topic quote from there:
To make his point he gives the example of sexual desire, which most biologists agree evolved to spur the conception of offspring. Today, however, individuals experience sexual desire in many situations in which procreation is clearly impossible, "even when they know the object of their desire is imaginary, or a piece of paper", as Tooby says.

Sexual desire for a piece of paper! :-D

wallpapers for a sunny day like this! :-)

Sepp linked to a nice website: - beauuuutiful photos! :-)

Especially I love the wallpapers - guess who has a new wallpaper now?! ;-)
Personal favourites: 1 and 2.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Some content from Koondis Tempo Slovakia 2005 trip

Sirli (added 16-03-2005)
Janar (added 16-03-2005)

Still missing are pictures from: me, KadriKaldam, Ann and Teele. Maybe some more.
I'll try to find some space somewhere to put them up.

Text (in Estonian):

These are quite brief and Jüri's story is more about snow and less about the trip itself :-)
However, KadriKaldam is in the process of writing down a more detailed "log" of the whole event. Whenever she manages to finish that, I'll link to it from here also.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Tempo pidu!

Hehee, Tartus on täna Koondis Tempo "Slovakkia II" aftekas - I'm going! ;-)

Ja "Võrgurakendused I" esimese praktikumitöö sain edukalt kaitstud - nokkisin mingi kodulehe valmis, panin juurde natuke mõttetut JavaScripti, paar mõttetut freimi ja voila! :-)

Ja vahepeal käisime seltskonnaga vaatamas Club Privé's Mati Undi lavastatud ja Jan E. Uuspõllu esituses "Ürgmeest" (Rob Becker) - päris lahe oli. Lõpp vajus ära, kuid eks ta ole ka natuke arusaadav, ühe-mehe-etendus ei ole mingi "meelakkumine" (samas jällegi, kes ütles, et mee lakkumine mingi meeldiv ja lihtne tegevus on - see väljend on ikka väga highly overrated).

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Võrgurakendused I

Homseks püüan ära teha esimese töö aines "Võrgurakendused I".
On ikka tüütu küll, kui tead täpselt, kuidas seda teha, kuid pead need tunnid selle jaoks ikkagi ohverdama.

Aga noh, mis teha. Ise ma ju ronisin siia kooli, oma teadmisi vormistama.
Eelmine semester java progemise aines sain vähemalt teha alguses tasemetöö ja siis hiljem kohe eksamile.


IT Kolledzi teisel semestril on õppekavas ka filosoofia. Võtsin selle virtuaalsena, ei viitsi loengutes käia, ilmselt jääksin seal magama. Nüüd saan vähemalt loengut kuulates mingi mitte-mõttetööd-nõudva tegevusega tegeleda ja sellega und eemale peletada.
Kuna täna oli esimene virtuaalne test, siis olin sunnitud kõik viimase kuu aja loengud ära kuulama - kokku 6 tundi. Kuid test oli kokkuvõttes õnneks päris lihtne, eks homme hommikul paistab, mis tulemus on.

Peale 6 tunnist sissejuhatust filosoofia maailma lugesin veel viimast sissekannet Sepa Tuulelohelennus, kus ta viitas väga vahvale hr. Düsfunktsionaalse blögile - filosoofia teemale meeldiv jätk.


kolm ja pool tundi hiljem ja olen suutnud hr. Düsfunktsionaalse blögi algusest lõpuni läbi lugeda. Väärt kraam, ei ole midagi öelda... Ühiskonnakriitikast deprekani, vahepeale ka mõni lõbusam looke :-)
Ainult kriitika oli ehk natuke liiga anarhistlikult üheülbaline, konstruktiivsusest jäi puudu. Kuid eks kogu tema blög on päris pessimistlikult häälestatud, seega läheb üldise stiiliga kokku! :-)