Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Rahvusvaheline naistepäev

Hiinas on naistepäev jätkuvalt riiklikul tasemel au sees. Eile saadeti siselisti selline kiri:
Dear colleagues,

Following the holiday regulation from the State Council of China, all female employees in China will be entitled to half day leave on the Women's Day, March 8th. Accordingly, all female employees in [company name censored] will be eligible to half day leave on the coming Women’s Day on tomorrow, March 8th, 2011.

Female employees may choose to take the half day leave either in the morning or the afternoon based on work and personal arrangement. Please apply for it with your line managers beforehand, in order to minimize the impact on business and team activities.

We wish all ladies a Happy Women’s Day in advance!

Best Regards
HR & Organization
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